“The First Church was governed and led by the Holy Ghost..and not nearly by as much SARX appeal as the Present” Taveau D’Arcy Creative Consulting;

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PLEASE NOTE: We view the triune Maker GOD “(assessing not accusing )Good Father, Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son, via the Holy Spirit… as displaying similar to a human personality:

….”PRE Genesis 1 as in”much more laid back, pondering, perceiving, contemplating, deciding, designing, being precise, scientific..measuring…akin to a TYPE B….


….yet then following the contemplative thinking evaluating overall subjective PROCESS, in more assertive,even TYPE A active mode, He ROSE UP and SPOKE it ALL fully out….in Genesis 1.**


(**admittedly inexplicably mysteriously, supernaturally, perceptively enigmatically..however this SUCH is the Grounds for “abject” Faith!)


(Please note: anyone who enjoys creative process, assessed quantum, scientific , video games, science fiction, may find it much easier to understand, or at least entertain this 1 Cor 2:9-10 (supernatural) “past all human logic/Greek realism” surely AMAZING concept.”

“The apostolic DFW Leader Ministry Fellowship Over(prophetic Perceiver-Discerner)seer.

(Me Assessed Serial Contemplator)

(C)2019 Taveau Creative Leadership All copyrights reserved

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